25 April 2007

If Earth is too boring for you

Start celebrating! Apparently scientist have found a "potentially habitable planet." And it's only 120 trillion miles away (approx. 20 light years)! Start saving those frequent flier miles--you may be able to earn a free trip!

That planet's sun is called Gliese 581. Why don't we have a name for our sun? It seems unfair that we don't. We're just a really boring solar system. Our planets have great names like Pluto, and the planets have cool moon names like Io (which, incidentally, is the only natural satellite with acne). But we have no name for our sun... or moon, for that matter. Someone come up with a name!

I'll always love this next song. I discovered it while avoiding studying for a freshman year astronomy class.

1 comment:

Rob Au said...

Wow! I want to move to this new habitable planet! I bet the rent will be high though. Because if Superman is super because or our yellow sun (being from a red sun), then it should work the other way around! We would all be super with that red sun! My only question is will I have a supermanesque physique or will my fat just hardened giving me fat gut as hard as steel?!