05 February 2007

do U wnt 2 D8

It's amazing how the US is so far behind the curve with some of the hottest modern technology. For instance, there's the marvel of text messaging. Sure, we use it now. But people in other countries started doing things like divorcing their wives and breaking up via text messaging long before us. It's such a hot trend, even the Prime Minister of Finland recently dumped his girlfriend via SMS. Classy. At least it's giving her an opportunity to write a book.

Now Finland is trying to out-tech itself. A Finnish author named Hannu Luntiala wrote a novel in text message. Unfortunately, it's in the Finnish dialect of SMS. But the publisher is considering translating it to other languages. If we're lucky they'll translate it into Ubykh or something. After all, they translated Harry Potter into Welsh... surely they'd choose a nice, obscure language (um... besides Finnish) for the text message book.

Text messaging books. Goodness. What next? An animated movie illustrated entirely in ASCII art? Oh, wait, someone did that a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... But surely no one has thought to do an ASCII music video...?

UPDATE: Apparently my posting was timely. Text message lingo is spreading like a disease... Or is this part of the natural evolution of language? After all, you don't often hear 17th century English. Things change.

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